Mediating Online

The definitive course for Zoom mediators

8 hours

Demand for remote mediation soared as a result of the global pandemic and even now in 2025 it remains as popular as ever. Some remain reluctant to travel or meet but for the most part the reason is that business, governments, and people have embraced the cost and time saving alternatives to face-to-face meetings. Whatever the reason, mediators are increasingly asked to deploy their skills on a remote basis but many tell us that they do not feel wholly fluent, competent or confident to do so. Our one-day Zoom course offers delegates all of the wisdom we can offer from basic controls to key tips, and from confidentiality to creating safe offer spaces. We also provide a step by step guide which can be downloaded and kept for future reference.

From £365.00 inc VAT

SoM Faculty
SoM Faculty

Course Code: Z24

Mediating Online
Mediating Online

Mediating Online

From £365.00 inc VAT

This Zoom (and Teams) 101 Course is for all levels of proficiency - the very basic to the experienced: there is always something more you can add and we will work in skill balanced small groups.  
Learning Outcomes Include:
  1. Exploring the technology and gaining a working understanding of the software.
  2.  Adapting skills and the need for amended agreements and protocols.
  3.  Using adjournments, surviving loss of Connectivity and dealing with other emergencies
  4.  Managing emotion, abuse and other misconduct.
  5. Transmission of offers and ensuring effective completion of settlements.

Who is this for?

Designed for those who have previously trained or who have been practising as mediators, this course assumes a basic working knowledge of mediation and is therefore unlkely to be suitable for those that are entirely new to the subject.  It will however cover the differing skills and protocols needed for a remote, rather than 'in-person' forum. 

The course is based around and delievered via Zoom as this is the platform that the faculty and The Society of Mediators have found best suited to providing mediation. Whilst many of the practical principles will apply to other platforms such as Skype, Microsoft Teams, Starleaf and Web-X we will be unable to deal with any questions or queries relating to any technincal aspects of other software. 

This course provides 8 hours CPD.

Course availability

18 Mar 2025

Zoom course, Zoom Pro

8 hours

Starts at:

Tuesday 18 March 2025 9:30am

Ends at:

Tuesday 18 March 2025 4:30pm


£365.00 inc VAT

Location details
  • Zoom course
  • Online
  • Zoom Pro
  • All regions

About the tutor

SoM Faculty
SoM Faculty

Our Training Courses are led by Jonathan Dingle, Andrea Barnes, Zoey White and Stephen Malcolm and supported by a range of tutors from the Society of Mediators.

All faculty members are experienced practicing mediators and include those from legal backgrounds, such as barristers, solicitors and judicial office holders, medical backgrounds (both clinical and leadership roles) as well as those from a range of other backgrounds including HR, educational and sporting professionals, civil servants, publishers and even an ex-police officer.

Not only does this variety provide delegates with a wealth of experience and different perspectives but demonstrates that mediation can offer career and life advantages no matter what your previous experiences are.

The exact faculty will vary from course to course but the high standards to which both 218 Strand and the Society hold themselves will remain.

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Foundation training is at the core of all of the Society's accredited mediaiton training.

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