Lacking confidence to Mediate Remotely?
25th August 2021
1 min
Demand for remote mediation soared as a result of the global pandemic and even now that restrictions are easing and we begin to adapt to our 'new normal', it appears to be as popular as ever. Some remain reluctant to travel or meet indoors whilst others have embraced the cost and time saving alternatives to face-to-face meetings. Whatever the reason, mediators are increasingly asked to deploy their skills on a remote basis but many have told us that they simply do not feel competent or confident to do so.
SoM as always is comitted to supporting our mediator alumni and to maintaining standards within the profession, so in conjunction with 218 Strand's training faculty we have developed a one-day Zoom course which offers delegates all of the wisdom we can offer from basic controls to key tips, and from confidentiality to creating safe offer spaces. We also provide a step by step guide which can be downloaded and kept for future reference.
We have now run this course multiple times and have been joined by attendees from around the UK as well as across Europe, Southern Africa and the Caribbean, all have whom have found the day very useful. The next course will be running on 30th September 2021 and can be booked here.
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