Academic Appeals Policy

This policy and procedure is subject to The Equality Act 2010 which recognises the following categories of individual as Protected Characteristics: Age, Gender Reassignment, Marriage and Civil Partnership, Pregnancy and Maternity, Race, Religion and Belief, Sex (gender), Sexual orientation, Disability.
1. Policy Statement
1.1 It is the policy of 218 Strand Limited to develop and maintain assessment procedures that are fair, reliable and open to scrutiny whilst at the same time maintaining the high standards required of an accredited mediator.
1.2 218 Strand Limited operates a rigorous system of internal verification to guarantee fair assessment that complies with CMC and CIArb requirements. It is recognised, however, that there could be exceptional circumstances when individuals may wish to appeal against recommendations or decisions relating to their assessment. The academic appeals procedure outlines the action that may be taken in such circumstances.
2. Scope
2.1 Any student who believes that their assessed mediation or examination has been assessed unfairly, inconsistently or not in accordance with the standards required by the CMC and/or CIArb, shall have the right to appeal against that assessment.
2.2 In the first instance any concerns should be discussed with the student’s tutor or another member of the teaching faculty. While it is recognised that in most circumstances student queries relating to assessment can and will be resolved informally, the formal appeals procedure is available to support students in their appeal.
2.3 It is the responsibility of students to inform 218 Strand if they are not satisfied with the assessment of their assessed mediation or examination. 218 Strand’s Academic Appeals Policy and Procedure enables students to make a formal appeal against a recommendation or decision relating to:
(i) The mark given for their examination; and/or
(ii) The decision regarding their assessed mediation.
(iii) Entitlement to certification.
(iv) Requirement to undertake additional study before an award is made.
3. Grounds for Appeal
3.1 A student may appeal against an assessment decision if he/she believes that the decision is unfair or unreasonable. Normally an appeal can be made on any one of the following grounds:
(i) Relevant assessment criteria have been met but not acknowledged.
(ii) The assessments were not conducted in accordance with the CMC’s and/or CIArb’s requirements.
(iii) Assessment procedures, including examinations, were not conducted fairly.
(iv) The Assessor was presented with incorrect or inaccurate assessment information.
(v) There were medical or other extenuating circumstances of which the Faculty & Independent Assessor were unaware when assessment decisions were being made.
(vi) There was unfairness or impropriety on the part of one or more of the assessors/tutors.
(vii) The student was unjustifiably excluded from an examination or an assessment opportunity.
3.2 It is the responsibility of the student to notify 218 Strand’s Administrator or the relevant Course Leader in writing of any extenuating circumstances, which may be adversely affecting the student’s performance. Normally, this should be done before the assessment process takes place.
4. Appeals Procedure
4.1 The procedure for appeals is detailed on page 3 of this document.
5. Regulating Body Rules and Regulations
5.1 The relevant awarding body’s appeals procedure will be invoked where:
(i) The issue cannot be resolved internally.
(ii) The appeal is in relation to certification.
218 Strand Procedure for Academic Appeals
Stage | Student Action | College Action | Timeframe | |
1. Informal | Appeal referred to and resolved by the Assessor responsible for the assessment* | Student to discuss with Assessor responsible for the assessment within 5 working days of Assessment decision. | Assessor to discuss and seek to resolve. | 2 working days |
2. Informal | Appeal referred to and resolved by the Course Leader | Student appeal to the Course Leader within 5 working days. | Course Leader to review examination result or Assessors decision. | 5 working days |
3. Formal | Appeal referred to and resolved by the 218 Strand Administrator |
Student to appeal to 218 Strand Administrator within 5 working days. To invoke stage 3 the student must complete the appropriate form (218 Strand Academic Appeals Application). |
218 Strand Administrator to investigate assessment decision and review with independent assessors. Will also check that assessment fully meets CMC/CIArb requirements. | 5 working days |
4. Formal | Appeal referred to the Training Director | Student appeals in writing to the Training Director if they feel the decision is unfair at Stage 3. | Assessment decision investigated by Training Director (information obtained from appropriate Course Leader & 218 Strand Administrator). The final decision will be made by a panel of 3 members of the faculty convened for the appeal. | 5 working days |
*If the student feels that he/she cannot approach the assessor he/she may choose to discuss the matter with a tutor or another member of staff.
The time frames are given as guidance. It may be necessary to seek the advice of the CMC and/or CIARb and a response to resolve the appeal may take longer.